Garden at Wildmoon Homesteading

What's Coming Up at Wildmoon Homesteading?

Here at Wildmoon my focus is the annual Women's Gardening Apprenticeship. You can see the description for this program under 'classes'.  I'll also be offering a variety of day long classes as well as intensives to help empower you for any direction you choose to go in life. All levels of experience are welcome, as we each have unique gifts to offer to the group. Come with a willingness to learn and participate to help support each other on this journey. For we really are just all in it together.

If there is not set date for a class please email with interest. Private group classes are available. Please email for more information.

Fire Making & Story Telling

This is an awesome way to spend the day and evening! In this class we will learn to make fire with sticks! Yes, that's all, sticks. Wether you are a city slicker and have never camped or made a fire to the regular outdoors woman and everyone in between, this is fun stuff. I had no idea how good this would feel until I did it myself. After being shown how, I'll admit it took me another week of practice to start the fire, but I did it! And even if I never actually needed this skill it still feels great to know I can.

This class will start at 1pm and go to approximately 7pm. Folks will be welcome to stay later if desired. We'll start off talking about the basics: pieces needed, optimal types of wood to use, and variations on the original form. I'll supply the materials and show you how to make your own kit, should you ever want or need one.  Then we'll give it a try. It can take some time, effort and patience, but believe me, it's worth it, and while we all may not get fire in this class, many will and it is great to know how. We'll be kneeling on the ground and getting smokey smelling so where comfortable clothes you don't mind getting dirty. As evening draws near we'll work together to make a larger fire to eat dinner by and share some stories about ourselves as we feel inspired. I'll supply a hearty soup for dinner. Bring water, snacks and additional clothing for optimal comfort.

COST: $75


Maximum participants 16

Private groups welcome to email to schedule dates.

Wood Splitting and Stacking Party

Jeff and I heat only with wood. Each year Jeff sustainably harvests selected trees on our property helping to create a more diverse and healthier forest. In late fall or early winter he cuts the trees down and cuts them into pieces. Over time they are collected and brought down to our wood shed. This stack gets huge! Once a year, usually Memorial Day weekend, we rent a wood splitter and split it all at once. Since this can often take days, we stack it as we are able through the summer.

This is a one day workshop from 9am to 6pm, where you will learn to use a splitter, and optimal ways to stack your own wood piles. You can also try your hand at traditional wood splitting with an ax. I will demonstrate some stance and swing techniques that can make this easier.

It can be hot, sweaty work that does require being able to lift up to 10 pounds. For those who feel strong and want more of a work out, you can lift the whole logs onto the splitter while others operate the machine and stack the cut pieces. We can rotate jobs as needed. Communication and safety awareness are critical for these tasks making it great way to learn team effort.

I will supply lunch and plenty of cold drinks to keep us going. At the end of the day you are welcome to stay for BBQ dinner and a margarita or a glass of wine. You certainly will have earned it!

COST: $100


Maximum participants 8

Bowls and Birdhouses with Gourds

Gourds are amazing! Not only are they beautiful as is but can be created to be a variety of items. In this class we will make birdhouse and bowls that we decorate with paints and markers. I can also show you options for small drums and shakers.

This class will run from 9am to 12pm.

I'll supply the gourds and some paints and markers. I'll talk about varieties of gourds and how to grow, store and cure your own gourds for future use. These make great, inexpensive gifts that are practical and beautiful. I already have swallows nesting in my new gourd house I hung in one of our apple trees!

COST: $45 includes gourd and paints and other items for decorating.