What a strange time we are living in! I know it is affecting all of us differently depending on if we are working, home, have kids, elders, space to move and more. But we are all feeling the grief from the loss of our normal lives. I have watched my own state of mind change dramatically. At first it was mostly pleasant to be home, gardening, cooking, making plans for the summer. The days moved fast and there was the unspoken assumption that this would be over soon. Now, I’m finding the days are moving slower and it is harder to do the things that need doing, with so many unknowns for the future.

I am a hugger. If you’ve met me more than once, you’ve likely been hugged by me. I so miss hugging you, my friends and acquaintances! So, the way I can share the love and hug you is to share some good resources that have helped me during this time.

The first thing I did in mid March, when this was really starting to ramp up, was to take inventory of my herbal medicines and supplements in order to make a basket of the items most effective for this virus. This is great to do any time with a bin, box , or basket of supplies that you can get to easily if you or a family member is sick. This way there is no messing around, rummaging through cabinets looking for what you need when you feel like crap or need to help someone.

Here’s my basket when I first made it. I’ve added and removed items as I’ve learned more about this virus, but this had the basics – vitamin C, vitamin D, Zinc, Elder flower tincture, Boneset tincture, Rhodiola tincture, Elacampane tincture, lozenges, essential oils for lung opening steams, Tylenol, a reference book and a written protocol page. It’s easy to forget what to do when and how much to take when we aren’t well, so I spelled it out. This also helps someone else take care of us who may not be familiar with all of these medicines. If you are new to herbal medicines, get a reference book to go with the herbs you buy. My favorite is Making Medicine by Richo Cech because of it’s size and easy, alphabetical listing of herbs, their uses and dosage. I also love The Way of Herbs by Michael Terra. Just typing in ‘herbal references‘ gives you a list of some great options and reasonable prices.

My dear friend Tammi Sweet at Heartstone Center for Earth Essentials has just made a number of her online anatomy and physiology classes free so you can understand better how the body works. Here are the links: Immune System Respiratory System Cold & Flu Lecture Longevity Thrive

Tammi has also encouraged me and others to listen to the amazing new podcast by Brene Brown called Unlocking Us. Just follow the link to listen on her web site or your podcast app. She has such a great way of talking about what we all are struggling with in these moments and brings inspiration, humor and insight that relieves the stress just enough to help us to keep going. Plus she has great suggestions for Audible books. I’ve been listening while I weed in the garden. Such a treat!

Staying local, herbalist 7-Song has shared a protocol list for this virus that you can find here.

Well known herbalist and author Stephen Buhner has written an excellent herbal antiviral book as well as protocol for the corona virus. While you may not have access to all the herbs he talks about, it helps give an understanding of how this virus works and ways to address it.

American Herbalist Guild COVID-19 resource list here.

One of my favorites, White Pine, is excellent support for this and any virus and readily available to harvest in our area. Check out this great site about it’s uses and recipes here. For IDing, just count the needles – bundles of 5.

Lastly, I recently watched a great live interview with Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. executive VP and director of research at The HeartMath Institute. This is a nonprofit organization doing incredible research on the heart and the electromagnetic field it puts off, as well as offering training and courses for adults and kids in improving heart coherence. They are giving away a course to reduce stress and build resilience here. I so love this because they have used science to show us without a doubt what we have always felt to be true, it is all about LOVE.

“Adding heart translates into increased care and genuine connection with others and harmonizes the resistance between our own mind and heart. Adding heart is especially about practicing kindness and compassion, along with forgiveness and latitude in our interactions. Adding heart increases the love flowing through our system, which can play a large part in solving the collective challenges of these transitional times.”

Here at Wildmoon I have seeds started and have begun waking up the garden with edging and weeding of beds. I am dreaming of the time I can share it with students and hoping that will be this year. While restrictions are still in place and the virus is still spreading, it is too hard to say yet for sure.

There is still room in this program! If you or someone you know wants to learn how to grow your own food, make medicine, store energy and build personal power register here for the Women’s Gardening Apprenticeship. If it isn’t able to happen this year you will receive a refund of your deposit or transfer it to next years’ program. These are invaluable skills that are so helpful for situations just like the one we are in and for every day self reliance.

I look forward to hugging you in person soon!!!

Much Love,


I live with my husband, Jeff (jeffjosephwoodworker.com) on 34 beautiful acres in upstate New York. We share the dream of living "the good life" as described by Helen and Scott Nearing in their book by the same title. We have been refining that process at this location since 2003. I've been practicing the art of living well and close to Mother Earth with the help of teachers such as Tom Brown Jr., Carlos Castaneda, Lynn Andrews, John Jeavons, Scott & Helen Nearing, Jon Young and many herbalists including my first teacher Donna d'Terra. Join me as the adventure continues on many levels...